Illinois Job Link Kane County Department of Employment & Education (KCDEE)
Pace Bus Routes and Schedules RTA Trip Planner
SAMHSA List of Virtual Addiction Support Groups
Community Crisis Center Mutual Ground
Family Counseling Service
Anger Management Provider List | in Spanish
DUI Provider Provider List | in Spanish
Gateway Foundation: 630-966-7400 Ecker Center for Mental Health: Grandstand Office 847-695-0484 Intake 630-742-1371 Association for Individual DevelopmentSAMHSA Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator
US Department of Veterans AffairsUS Department of Health & Human Services Veteran ResourcesMilitary One SourceVeterans Assistance Commission
CASA - Court Appointed Special AdvocatesIllinois Attorney General Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office
VINELink (Custody Status & Victim Notification) Kane County Juvenile Justice Council Youth Outlook (LGBTQ Resources)
Kane Court Partners (Find your next court date(s) and/or learn how to attend court in-person or virtual. You can also find out how to make a payment on your case and receive text reminders for future court dates.)
Note:Meals ready to eat, hygiene kits, winter coats, and sleeping bags can be delivered to those in need. Ask your probation officer.