​​​​About the Juvenile Justice Center
Visitation Schedule
  • Programming
  • Release Information
  • Advocacy Program
  • Volunteer and Intern Programs
PREA Compliance


The behavior management program at the Kane County Juvenile Justice Center is predicated upon a cognitive model of psychology, Cognitive Behavior Training (CBT). The cognitive-behavioral framework is a model for describing, understanding, and changing behavior. It operates on the fundamental assumption that thinking and attitudes influence our behavior; and therefore, we can change behavior by changing thought patterns and attitudes. Simply put, the cognitive model states that prior to all human behaviors, a person is presented with an initial event. Based on that event, a person has certain self-talk (thoughts) that give rise to feelings and then to the behavior that they chose to exhibit. This behavior results in consequences, which then introduces a new event, and the cycle repeats itself again.

Research indicates that the highest risk factors for reoffending are criminogenic thinking and attitudes; therefore, the JJC uses the cognitive model because its goal is to change such thinking. The model uses techniques to monitor thought patterns, recognize the connections between thinking and behavior, and replace distorted thinking with rational thinking in order to foster more appropriate behavior. The JJC challenges our residents to pay attention to the thought patterns they have and the behaviors and consequences that result from them. This will further challenge the residents to reduce the “automatic” thinking they have developed to specific situations and recognize that the thoughts they have may put them at risk to doing something hurtful or irresponsible.

Release Information

Minors will only be released to their parent or legal guardian unless a court order states differently. Minors will not be released to non-law enforcement individuals between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.

Advocacy Program

Each minor in detention is assigned a youth counselor as his/her advocate. The youth counselor will help the resident adjust to the facility's environment and will assist and counsel the resident. Advocates are also responsible for writing each resident's behavior report, which is provided to the juvenile court.

Volunteer and Intern Programs

  • Volunteers must be 21 years or older.
  • Interns must be in their junior or senior year in college.