
​​​​About the Juvenile Justice Center
Visitation Schedule
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  • Advocacy Program
  • Volunteer and Intern Programs
PREA Compliance

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Kane County Juvenile Justice Center (JJC)

The Kane County Juvenile Justice Center (JJC) is a detention facility for juveniles between the ages of ten and up to twenty-one. The facility has a rated capacity of eighty beds and was constructed to allow for the expansion of eighty additional beds. The Kane County JJC is a regional detention facility and currently has intergovernmental agreements with seven counties; ​DuPage, Kendall, Lee, McHenry, Ogle, and Stephenson.

​​​​​​The function of the Juvenile Justice Center is to provide safe, humane and secure temporary custody for juveniles pending court proceedings, or those who have been adjudicated on delinquent charges. Juveniles are detained through Court orders, warrants, and at the request of local police departments if deemed appropriate by a screening tool. Juveniles may be held until they are adjudicated delinquent and can also be sentenced for up to thirty days.

JJC youth counselors are court-appointed officers with a minimum of a Bachelor's degree who are responsible for maintaining the security of the facility; ensuring the safe and secure custody of each resident; monitoring the behavior of the residents; and providing for their physical and emotional needs. ​

2024 IDJJ Inspection Results

2023 AOIC Detention Review Summary

Local Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment

Wellness Policy

Free Summer Meals Flyer​

​Mission Statement

The mission of the Kane County JJC is to provide an educationally conducive environment, which is secure, based on legal standards and community values.

Juvenile Justice Center Photo

Kane County Juvenile Justice Center
Juvenile Detention
37W655 Route 38
St. Charles, Illinois 60175
Directions to Juvenile Justice Center

Definitions of Common Juvenile Justice Terms

Adjudicated delinquent: A youth who has been found by a judge in juvenile court to have committed a violation of the criminal law, that is, a delinquent act. The judge can formally adjudicate the youth as an initial step before imposing a disposition (a sentence or punishment), or the judge can decide not to adjudicate the youth and instead impose conditions that, if met, will result in dismissal of the charges.

Adjudicatory hearing: The fact finding (trial) phase of a juvenile case in which a judge receives and weighs evidence before deciding whether a delinquency or status offense has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Delinquent act: Any act committed by a youth that would be a criminal violation if committed by an adult.

Delinquent juvenile: A youth who has been found responsible for having committed a delinquent act – the equivalent of being found guilty of a criminal offense.

Detention: In custody (secure, non-secure, or home confinement) while awaiting an adjudication hearing, disposition, or commitment placement.

Detention hearing: A judicial hearing generally required to be held within 72 hours of a youth being taken into custody, at which point the court determines whether (1) there is probable cause to believe that the youth has committed a delinquent act or a court order exists that requires the continued detention of t​he youth, and (2) continued detention is required pending an adjudicatory hearing.

Dispositional hearing: The hearing in a juvenile case (like a sentencing hearing in criminal court) at which the court receives a predisposition report containing information and recommendations to help determine the appropriate sanction. These sanctions can include probation, commitment to the custody of the state's department of juvenile justice, or community-based sanctions.

Status offenses: Non-criminal offenses only applicable to children – for example, being truant, running away from home, possessing alcohol or cigarettes, or violating curfew.